

Sustainability is at the core of everything we do. We relentlessly seek ways to leave a positive impact in all layers of our operation: from infrastructure we use to the spaces we inhabit, from the work we deliver to our customers to the ways we collaborate with them, from the company culture we are cultivating to the role we have in the local communities.

Read 3fs Sustainability reports below.

The Cerje forest heavily damaged by the fire.Two workshop participants using the mobile application in 3fs office3fs Kranj office with ergonomic office equipment, wooden furniture, and lots of green plants.
The reforestation effort in the Cerje, and the related awareness campaign.
One of our latest workshops; we organise more each year, as interest for participation continues to rise.
Offices are finished in natural materials, equipped with ergonomic furniture and energy saving solutions.
To reach the 1.5°C ambition and the Paris Agreement, we pledge to halve our greenhouse emissions by 2030 and achieve a net-zero carbon footprint by 2040.

For detailed information about our activities and the impact they have, please see the annual 3fs Environmental Sustainability report.


Our commitment to environmental sustainability

Study the demographic composition of our employees and plan their work-life balance, career development and other opportunities accordingly.
Share our knowledge with the professional community, because we can only move forward by establishing reciprocal relationships with our colleagues.
Recognise what customers and partners need to develop a high level of trust and to never stop learning from them about how to be a better partner and better employer.
Give opportunities to young people, who need as many working experiences as possible, to find their place under the sun.
Extend our activities and support towards all of the people who live in the local communities we are present in with our offices or business activities.
We have been certified as a Socially Responsible Employer by the Ekvilib Institute since 2021. Since the initial certification, we have attained the advanced certificate at the end of 2023. These certifications align with the principles and essential content outlined in the ISO 26000 Standard on Corporate Social Responsibility.

For detailed information about our activities and the impact they have, please see the biennial 3fs Social Sustainability report.


Our commitment to social sustainability

Key stakeholders

Employees and their families

We strongly believe that every employee deserves fair career development options and as many learning opportunities as possible. A healthy work-life balance and family-friendly environment are also essential to their progress and well-being. We don’t count the number of years employees work for us, but how many of them they feel heard and an important part of our community.

Professional community

We get a lot of opportunities to learn from others in our field of work, so it’s only fair that we give back to the local and global IT community. We organise special open house events twice a year, with regular meetups and workshops in-between. We’ve also done courses within Codeweek, and multiple events for kids.

Customers, partners and subcontractors

A sustainable relationship with our customers, partners and subcontractors is conditioned by high quality services and high level of security. We put a lot of additional effort into understanding what they value and on what basis they build trust towards us. Some of our biggest customers have been working with us ever since our company was founded; we believe that is because of our unbroken promise to them.


Young people need working experience to figure out what they want to do in their lives. This also gives them a better chance to start work soon after finishing school. We give this opportunity to around 5 to 9 of them per year. Some are our employees now, others are still studying and come back every summer. In 2019 we started to award scholarships to the most perspective of them.

Local community

We donate around 1% of our revenue every year to the communities we inhabit. We try to help in other ways too, focusing mostly on the educational sector, from elementary schools, to academic faculties, to professional training. Our employees voice their own suggestions for events and charities we should partake in, often jumping into action and contributing to their success.

External auditors

To ensure higher quality in the field of information security and social responsibility, we follow the principles of ISO 27001 and ISO 26001, for which we are also certified by external auditors.

"We’re fortunate to be working with people who have a strong sense of empathy towards each other and the world around us.”

Andraž Logar


Select contributions


IT equipment give-aways
Clothes, toys & kitchen accessories give-aways
Book donations for school libraries
Reforestation of fire-ravaged areas
Collective blood donations


Remote schooling training for teachers
Multiple thematic workshops for kids
Highschool game development workshops
Professional workshops in Kubernetes
Kubernetes Slovenia meet-up facilitators


Pod črto (non-profit, investigative journalism)
LGBT meetup society
Varni internet (workshops for kids)
Gajin svet programiranja (workshops for kids)
Field trips to the USA for CS & IS students